Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Catalogue returns

A feature of the last couple of days has been the size of our mail.  This is because we have just done a mailing to our older (not ordered for a while) customers and you get a lot of returned catalogues because people have left their addresses.  Apparently something like 12½% of people move address every year is every eight years on average we move address.  Happily our customers keep us pretty well informed and so we don’t have anywhere the theoretical wastage.

BTW we run a mail order business supplying daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs to home gardeners.  This is our 13th season and our predecessors have done the same since the founding of the business in 1917. Our web site is

A mailing also results in a lot of phone calls and Chris has been busy answering them. One thing we have noticed is that phone calls are fewer than they were.  We would also get them at all hours. The latter I think because people were expecting an answering machine, as the office is in our home the phone gets answered whenever it rings. The use of e-mail has probably meant people are less likely to ring you up.

Our current mail order catalogue;

Rain in the morning, heavy at times moderating to showers, strong squally southerly wind max 15 C min 6 C rainfall 9.4 mm. Spent the day finishing up the cleaning and rearranging the shed to start rubbing and grading the bulbs. Power went out for a couple of hour, which was a little, inconvenient.

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